The Future of Industry 4 and International Trade

International Trade is, without exaggeration, a very old human activity. For example, wine production and trade can be traced back to the 6th millennium B.C. (Georgia) and the famous Silk Road has transformed the ancient world. Then, historically, international trade has been moved by inventions, innovations and the human desire to sell the surplus of […]

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How AI Can Help Consumer Products Exporters

The integration of AI in consumer products can offer significant advantages. Let us provide a few examples from the industry. Consumer Electronics Industry: Pricing, stock management, and monitoring competitors’ activities are critical to staying profitable. If stock isn’t sold in time, it brings losses to the company. Fashion Industry: Forecasting which model/size/color will be popular

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Digital Tools to Enhance Your Business Internationally

Businesses that embrace new technologies and digital tools are better equipped to capitalize on opportunities in global markets. leveraging new technologies can significantly boost your business’s competitiveness. Here are some cutting-edge digital tools and technologies that can help exporters succeed internationally: 1. 3D Printing For businesses in the manufacturing sector, 3D printing (or additive manufacturing)

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The Role of AI in SME Success and Internationalisation

The development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is key to achieving economic growth everywhere in the world. According to the recent McKinsey report, SMEs’ contribution to the trade business is 66% in emerging markets and 60% in developed countries. However, we know that SMEs struggle a lot due to the lack of resources, knowledge,

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Understanding Cultural Pitfalls in B2B Negotiations: Case Studies

In the realm of B2B negotiations, navigating cultural pitfalls is paramount. Nowadays, as markets globally become increasingly saturated, finding new opportunities and sealing deals pose significant challenges. Picture this scenario: after months of diligent lead generation efforts, you finally secure a crucial meeting with a potential partner. Initial interactions seem promising, with warm greetings and

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Why You Should Rethink Investing in B2B Local Partner Search!

As an exporter, the prospect of expanding into new markets  via B2B local partners can be both exciting and daunting. Finding a local distributor or importer to facilitate market entry seems appealing, promising cost-effectiveness and can reduce direct involvement in unfamiliar territories. However, beneath the surface lies a myriad of risks and challenges that can

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international B2B matchmaking

5 reasons why international B2B matchmaking might not work

Your company is matched with a perfect potential partner, but nothing happens after the meeting. Why? There might be different explanations, but understanding the intricacies of international B2B matchmaking is essential to deciphering this enigma. In today’s interconnected global economy, businesses often seek partnerships beyond borders to expand their reach, leverage expertise, and tap into

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10 Key Factors for Validating a Market for Your Products

Entering a new international market can be both exciting and daunting for any business. Success hinges on thorough research and strategic planning. By Mastering Market Validation exporters can take an important step towrds internationalisation. Here are 10 crucial factors to consider when validating a new market for B2B international entry: Trade Data: Analyzing trade data

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Successful Exporting: Understanding Local Consumption Patterns

In the dynamic landscape of global trade, exporters face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. Among the most critical factors influencing success is the ability to adapt to local consumption patterns and preferences. This principle holds true across various consumer goods industries, where understanding the nuances of different markets is essential for achieving sustainable growth.

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