

Cookies and similar technologies are small text documents or code snippets that typically include a unique identification code. When you visit a website or use a mobile application, a computer requests permission from your computer or mobile device to store this file and gather information. The information collected through cookies and similar technologies can include the date and time of your visit and how you interact with a specific website or mobile application.


Cookies ensure that while you are browsing our online shop, you stay logged in, your selected items are stored in your shopping cart, you can shop securely, and the website functions smoothly. They also allow us to analyze how our website is used and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, based on your preferences, our own cookies may be used to display targeted advertisements that align with your personal interests.

Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 13-Aug-2023
Last Updated: 13-Aug-2023

What are cookies?
How do we use cookies?
Manage cookie preferences
Cookie Settings

You can change your cookie preferences any time by clicking the above button. This will let you revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or withdraw your consent right away.

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. Listed below are the links to the support documents on how to manage and delete cookies from the major web browsers.




Internet Explorer:

If you are using any other web browser, please visit your browser’s official support documents.




These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Some of the following actions can be performed by using these cookies.- Store articles in a shopping cart for online purchases- Save your cookie preferences for this website- Saving language preferences- Log in to our portal. We need to check whether you are logged in.


These cookies are used to gather statistical information about the use of our website, also called analytics cookies. We use this data for performance and website optimization.


These cookies enable more functionality for our website visitors. These cookies can be set by our external service providers or our own website. The following functionalities may or may not be activated when you accept this category.- Live chat services- Watch online videos- Social media sharing buttons- Login to our website with social media


These cookies are set by external advertising partners and are used for profiling and tracking data across multiple websites. If you accept these cookies, we may show our advertisements on other websites based on your user profile and preferences.These cookies also save data about how many visitors have seen or clicked on our advertisements in order to optimize advertising campaigns.


You have the option to opt out of all non-essential cookies. By adjusting your browser settings, you can choose to block cookies. Most browsers provide instructions on how to do this in their “help” or “settings” sections. However, please note that if you block cookies, you may not be able to access all the technical features our website offers, and it could have a negative impact on your user experience.

Privacy Policy

Processing of personal data
Manatex processes your personal data because you use our services or because you have provided them to us.

Here are the personal data we process:

• IP address
• Data related to your activities on our website
• Other data retained by Google Analytics
If you make a purchase on our website, we also process:

• First name and last name

• Phone number

• Email address

• Other personal data that you actively provide through our website or in other contacts

• Geolocation data

Reasons and purposes for processing personal data
Manatex processes your personal data for the following purposes:

• Manatex analyzes your activities on our website and in reading emails in order to improve the website and newsletters and align our offering with your preferences.

• Manatex does not make decisions based on automated data processing that could have (significant) consequences for individuals.

Retention of personal data
Manatex does not store your personal data longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which we collect the data.

We use Google Analytics, Google Adsense, and Google Webmaster Tools and follow their policies regarding compliance with GDPR.

Sharing of personal data with third parties: 
Manatex does not sell your data to third parties. Manatex only uses the data for shipping and fulfilling our agreements with you or to comply with legal obligations.

Cookies or similar technologies:
Some cookies are essential for you to enjoy all the features of our website. They allow us to maintain user sessions and prevent any security threats. They do not collect or store any personal information. Manatex’s website refers to various other applications that place cookies on your computer, including Google Analytics.

When you provide your contact information on our website, it may be linked to previous visits to the website based on your IP address. We may modify the content we show you if you revisit our website later. Cookies may also be placed by Google Fonts and Cloudflare.

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